From Pre-K to College Prep, Tutoring Club has you Covered

Pre-K - 1st Grade

Pre-K students begin with letter recognition and sound association to develop basic phonics skills. By learning how to ‘sound out’ unfamiliar letter combinations into words, students start their journey toward reading independently.

2nd - 5th Grade

Gone are the days of ‘sounding out words. At this age, readers must extract and analyze information. This tall task requires engaging texts that aid readers’ critical thinking skills, all the while exposing them to…

6th - 8th Grade

To thrive in this environment, strong study habits are more important than ever. Goal setting, essay writing, research methods, note-taking techniques, and test-preparation strategies are most critical; it is for these reasons that we help…

High School

The dense workloads and ever-changing schedules of teenage students can be overwhelming. By serving as an intermediary between parent and student, we eliminate the late nights and unwanted stress that comes with more challenging homework…