Writing Home
As with any skill, writing ability improves the more you practice. Parents who write often, and encourage their children to write more often, create a learning environment at home that helps to improve writing proficiency in school.
Writing at home can include just about anything, from e-mails and thank-you notes to scrapbook descriptions and diaries, even shopping lists or what’s-for-dinner notes.
You can engage your child to start writing more at home through some simple steps that will build stronger writing skills.
Write Often
Frequent writing practice could include keeping a journal, taking notes when reading, or just writing about topics that interest your child most.
Experiment with topics that expand your child’s range and abilities. Try writing for different purposes and types of audiences, such as short stories, family memoirs, or letters to the editor.
Write for Fun
Creative writing is an exercise to ignite your child’s imagination and unleash an inner voice of new discovery. Keep your eyes and ears open for the ideas and interests that most inspire your child.
Encourage your child to share writing topics as well. It’s educational for your child to get feedback from family or friends, but resist the temptation to be critical.
Read and Write
Read like a writer. Imagine why and how an author expresses thoughts in certain ways; then consider how the same or similar techniques could aid your child’s writing.
Writing about what is read actually helps your child learn to think. Whether it’s a math problem or magazine article, writing about what has been learned from reading helps your child think through main themes and make connections.
Write Again
Writing is a process of outlining and drafting ideas, then revising and editing initial drafts to correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Don’t search for every type of error all at once, proofread a draft at different times to find and correct different types of errors. Attention to revising and editing will help your child create clarity of the intended message for the audience.
Write On
Keep a file or notebook for all your child’s writing projects, and then take time to review and reflect on it with your child.
Ask your child what was best about a particular piece and what your child would choose to change. A writing notebook helps your child to discern areas that need more work and serves as a great resource for developing future ideas.
“Students who aren’t able to write proficiently often struggle to express themselves clearly, and may even shut themselves off from writing entirely,” advises Michelle Scott. “Now’s the time to ask about The Write Way, to help struggling students overcome skill gaps and become more proficient writers in less time and at a lower cost than any other program.”
To learn more, contact:
Michelle Scott
Tutoring Club
703.237.TUTOR (8886)